Saturday, April 23, 2011

That's a Friend :)

well Hello there! :)

Lately I have been thinking about what it means to be a friend. I have a friend named Nicole and let me tell you haha she's great! I have always been able to sit down and talk to her about what is going on in my spiritual life. She is always willing to listen to what I have to say.

However, I think friendship is more than this. Even as great a friends as Nicole and I are, we still have our ups and downs.

I was watching the Passion of the Christ tonight with my family, and let me tell you it made me think about friends. When Jesus looked at his disciples and said, "You are my friends. There is no greater love than to give your life for your friends," this made me think.

How often do we treat our friends this way? God says to love our friends as ourselves. God gave His life for you and me; His friends.

I want you to think about that as we approach this Easter. Think about the sacrifice that Jesus made so that your could have eternal life. Think about how Jesus, our Savior, gave His life for you because He loved you.

I challenge you to take those thoughts and bring them to your home. Bring them to your work. Bring them to your school. Let your friends know that you love them.

When we begin our journey as a Christian, we need to try our hardest to love like Christ.

Remember this.. we are nothing compared to the glory of God. Our righteousness is as hideous as filthy rags. However, you are a friend of God. Do you know what God has done for His friends? That's right! :) He gave his ONLY son to die on a cross for you and I. His blood was shed for you and me. Like I said, we are so unworthy. Yet, He gave it all. He suffered the cruelest of deaths and on the third day.. He arose from the dead. Jesus wants you and He loves you so much.

Sometimes we get so rapped up over petty stuff. God won't ever let you down. He will bless you if you live for Him.

When God told me that He wanted me in Africa.. I was scared as heck. I got on the phone and called Nicole. Guess what... God blessed me :)

Nicole told me that God had told her the same thing! Turns out, when I turn 18 in a year and a half, Nicole and I are going to try to go to Kenya and Tanzania with my church!

Sometimes life can get tough, and we need friends. Just remember that Jesus is your best friend. He died for you..


That's a Friend :)

Thanks for Reading! :)

Happy Easter! :D

God Bless,


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