Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You are Strong Enough :)

Well let me just say that it has been a long time since I have written. I think that today's message is something very important that I struggle with.

I think sometimes when we tell people about Christ, we water things down. I would love to sit here and tell you that being a Christian is simple and your life will be great. Everything will work out perfectly. Every person you like will fall head-over-heels in love with you. You won't experience pain or struggle with grades. You will drive a Mercedes-Benz and live in a mansion. There are so many things that I could tell you about being a Christian that aren't necessarily true. In fact just about everything I told you is false.

Your life will become better if you give God control. However, everything doesn't always work out perfectly. Not every person you like will like you back--in fact dating sometimes becomes harder. Christians still experience pain and struggle with grades sometimes, and you won't always live in a mansion or drive a foreign sports car. Living the Christian life is not living a life of perfection.

There are certain things in life we go through that we would never imagine. I have said in a previous blog that I am a strong believer that nothing happens by chance. I believe that everything that happens in our lives happens for a reason.

2010 was a hard year for me. I experienced many different things throughout my freshman year of high school and part of my sophomore year. But as far as personal issues go, 2010 was my year for racking up in that department.

As I look back on my year, I realize that I personally fell so many times. One time I fell so hard that I just gave up. I said, "I quit." I had been hurt so badly that I was ready to quit and give up everything.

I have this friend at church that I look up to a lot. He has always been there for me and I told him what had happened and he looked at me and said, "Taylre, you are strong. You should feel proud. God picked you, out of all the girls in the world for this to happen to."

At this point I was sort of aggravated because I thought he was mocking me and he continued, "He picked you cause he knew you were tough enough to handle it. You know God never puts anything on us that He knows we can't handle. God put this situation in your life to show you just how strong you really are."

Next time you are going through a rough time. I want you to think about that. You are strong and God is trying to show you just how strong you really are. You can handle it. You may not be able to handle it on your own, but with God you can!

This song by Matthew West helped me through everything. I feel like this song was written just for me. It may be written just for you too! :)

Strong Enough

by Matthew West

You must

You must think I'm strong

To give me what I'm going through

Well, forgive me

Forgive me if I'm wrong

But this looks like more than I can do

On my own

I know I'm not strong enough to be

everything that I'm supposed to be

I give up

I'm not strong enough

Hands of mercy won't you cover me

Lord right now I'm asking you to be

Strong enough

for the both of us

Well, maybe

Maybe that's the point

To reach the point of giving up

Cause when I'm finally

Finally at rock bottom

Well, that's when I start looking up

And reaching out

I know I'm not strong enough to be

Everything that I'm supposed to be

I give up

I'm not strong enough

Hands of mercy won't you cover me

Lord right now I'm asking you to be

Strong enough

Strong enough

Cause I'm broken

Down to nothing

But I'm still holding on to the one thing

You are God

and you are strong

When I am weak

I can do all things

Through Christ who gives me strength

And I don't have to be

Strong enough

Strong enough

oh, yeah

I know I'm not strong enough to be

Everything that I'm supposed to be

I give up

I'm not strong enough

Hands of mercy won't you cover me

Lord right now I'm asking you to be

Strong enough

Strong enough

Strong enough


I know

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just the Way You Are :)

Well hello there! :) Long time; no talk.

I have spent a while trying to think long and hard about what God is wanting me to say to ya'll today. I think I am on to something lol. I got my wisdom teeth out the other day, so if this doesn't make a lick of sense... forgive me and disregard it lol!

So, there's a popular song out there that I think you all have heard; "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. I think Bruno makes a great point in this song. That girls, you are amazing just the way you are. Guys, you are amazing just the way you are.

So, you may be asking "Taylre.. what in the world does this have to do with God.. and your Christian blog?"

Well, God loves you just the way you are. I think we, as humans, get to caught up in the materialistic world we're living in. Sometimes we lose track of who we are in Christ.

Like I earlier said, I have been out of it all week because of my wisdom teeth, so I have been watching one too many episodes of Say Yes to the Dress and What Not to Wear. This week I have seen woman after woman worried that her man won't think she is pretty when she walks down the isle, or that her husband or boyfriend won't think they are pretty enough to go to the grocery store in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

The world we live in tells girls they can't go outside of their house without wearing too low cut of a shirt and too short of a skirt. We have to wear so much makeup that guys wouldn't even recognize us if we were seen without it.

I think girls you need to hear the truth. Here is the truth: if your boyfriend, fiance, or husband loves you, he will think you are beautiful no matter what.

For you ladies that are scared about how you think your fiance will think you look bad when you are walking down the isle on your wedding day, that is a lie. Do you really think he will look at you and say "Eww... she's pretty, but I wish that was this brand!" NO! haha

So, I know your thinking Taylre McKee Beaty wears makeup, and she is trying to tell me not to. That is not true. I just want you to look at your self in the mirror and say, "My name is (insert name here lol) and I am beautiful. Because I am made in God's image, and He loves me. Therefore, I am beautiful."

So here it is.. haha.. this may be my pain medicine talking but this is what you have allll been waiting for.. Taylre with no make up on. lol...

I know sometimes we have people hurt us, but be comfortable with who you are. Don't change for the world. God loves you the way He made you. You don't plastic surgery, or low cut shirts, or short skirts, or anything like that.

Thanks for Reading!

Remember... your great JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! :)

God Bless,


Saturday, April 23, 2011

That's a Friend :)

well Hello there! :)

Lately I have been thinking about what it means to be a friend. I have a friend named Nicole and let me tell you haha she's great! I have always been able to sit down and talk to her about what is going on in my spiritual life. She is always willing to listen to what I have to say.

However, I think friendship is more than this. Even as great a friends as Nicole and I are, we still have our ups and downs.

I was watching the Passion of the Christ tonight with my family, and let me tell you it made me think about friends. When Jesus looked at his disciples and said, "You are my friends. There is no greater love than to give your life for your friends," this made me think.

How often do we treat our friends this way? God says to love our friends as ourselves. God gave His life for you and me; His friends.

I want you to think about that as we approach this Easter. Think about the sacrifice that Jesus made so that your could have eternal life. Think about how Jesus, our Savior, gave His life for you because He loved you.

I challenge you to take those thoughts and bring them to your home. Bring them to your work. Bring them to your school. Let your friends know that you love them.

When we begin our journey as a Christian, we need to try our hardest to love like Christ.

Remember this.. we are nothing compared to the glory of God. Our righteousness is as hideous as filthy rags. However, you are a friend of God. Do you know what God has done for His friends? That's right! :) He gave his ONLY son to die on a cross for you and I. His blood was shed for you and me. Like I said, we are so unworthy. Yet, He gave it all. He suffered the cruelest of deaths and on the third day.. He arose from the dead. Jesus wants you and He loves you so much.

Sometimes we get so rapped up over petty stuff. God won't ever let you down. He will bless you if you live for Him.

When God told me that He wanted me in Africa.. I was scared as heck. I got on the phone and called Nicole. Guess what... God blessed me :)

Nicole told me that God had told her the same thing! Turns out, when I turn 18 in a year and a half, Nicole and I are going to try to go to Kenya and Tanzania with my church!

Sometimes life can get tough, and we need friends. Just remember that Jesus is your best friend. He died for you..


That's a Friend :)

Thanks for Reading! :)

Happy Easter! :D

God Bless,


Saturday, April 9, 2011

His Love Never Fails :)

I know in life we all have those times when we feel alone. We feel like our friends don't care and our parents don't care. We think our best friend has picked someone "better" over us. We are left with a split road, and we have to choose which path to travel down. I am here to tell you, take the one that leads to God. There is not one thing you can do that is unforgivable. I don't know your struggles they could be anywhere from an addiction to premarital sex to even cheating on a test. But, God loves you more than anything, and He wants you to believe in Him. Sometimes, I think at night in particular, we get depressed as we reflect on the day. We listen to all Satan's lies and explanations as to what we did wrong to deserve what happend to us throughout the day. So here is my advice, don't listen. God cares so much about you and he always will. One of my favorite songs is "Your Love Never Fails." It is a generic song, and many people sing it, but the words really speak to my heart. Whenever I am having one of those rough days, I sing it.
"Your Love Never Fails"

You stay the same through the ages

Your love never changes

There may be pain in the night

but joy comes in the morning

and when the oceans rage

I don't have to be afraid

because I know that you love me

Your love never fails"

I hope this song will help you in your walk with God. If you need a reminder of God's love. I hope this helps :)

and remember... HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS! :)

Thanks for reading! :) Thanks and God Bless! :D Taylre! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

It Takes One.. Just One :)

Hey, Hey! :) Its been awhile. Lets catch up! Well, you are probably wondering where I have been for the last like month and why I haven't been writing to you. Well, I have been everywhere, and I have been pondering on what to say to you guys and girls today and I finally decided. So here it is. It takes one, just one. :) My sister and I have this amazing friend named Megan. She is great and I love her so much! She is just someone I have always looked up to and been able to connect with. We always like to sit down and just talk about how God has been working in our lives. So Megan if your reading this.. LOVE YA! :) haha Anyway, I was telling Megan all about my plans for Africa and how the song "The One" by Brandon Heath makes me smile because it is so much like what I feel in my life. She told me this story that has touched my heart! I just had to tell it to you and you may have already heard it but here goes! :) One day, this little boy was walking down the beach. He looked to his feet to see thousands of starfish washed up on the shore. He knew that if a starfish was left out of water for too long, it would die. So he began to pick them up and toss them into the ocean one by one. A man walked up to the boy and asked, "What are you doing? You know you can't save all those starfish." The little boy looked into the eyes of the man and said, "I know, but it takes just one. If I can save just one starfish, it will make a difference." I think we can all relate to this story. Whether we are the boy with the dream who feels invincible, or the "Debbie Downer" man that sees the glass half empty. The point I am trying to make is that the little boy was right, it takes just one. It takes just one spark to light a fire. It takes just one seed to grow a tree. It takes just one Christian to create a church. Think about it. For me, I believe that God wants me in Africa. Going to Africa has not only been a huge want in my life, but it has grown into a need. I need to be there. I think when you begin build a firm relationship with God, He starts to unfold His plan for you. To be honest with you, six months ago I wasn't feeling it. I didn't believe that there was this "huge purpose" for my life. I wasn't seeing it. But I made a change, I made a promise to do nothing but listen to what God had to tell me. 3 months later, He told me I was the one. I want to leave you with the lyrics to my favorite song by Brandon Heath.
"The One"

If I see one more light that's fading

Hear about one more broken dream

Pray for just one more faith that's dying

It's one too many

And if I see one more child walking

just one more mile for water

If I wait one more minute longer

It's one too many

When I think of what could be

If we let our hearts believe

That it takes just one

Just one could turn this all around

And if we're living history

How will the think of you and me

If it takes just one, just one

What if, what if, what if I'm the one?

It takes one, takes one, one

It takes one, takes one, one

It takes one, takes one

If I hear one more widow crying

'Cause there's no one by her side

And if I see one more family breaking

It's one too many

If there's one thing that I'm sure of

If there's one thing that I know

You could be one in a sea of faces

Or you could be one more chance for hope

When I think of what could be

If we let our hearts believe

That it takes just one

Just one could turn this all around

And if we're living history

How will they think of you and me

If it takes just one, just one

What if, what if, what if I'm the one? I see a nation without any walls

A beautiful haven for one and for all

I see a day when people are free

When shackles are broken and fall to the street

A voice, a cry, call out from on high

The first one of many, go lay down you life

When I think of what could be

If we Let our hearts believe

That it takes just one

Just one could turn this all around

And if we're living history

How will they think of you and me

If it takes just one, just one

What if, what if, what if I'm the one?

BY: Brandon Heath

Thanks for reading! :) Enjoy and remember.... It takes ONE... JUST ONE :)

Thanks and God Bless! Taylre! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

From Sinner to Saint! (:

Hey everyone! I am just so excited to be blogging today. God has inspired me so much lately, and I can't wait to share some great stuff with you!

You know how sometimes you get in one of those moods. You get down and have a hard time getting back up. For stupid reasons you just get depressed.

I think one reason we sometimes feel like this is because we believe Satan's lies. The devil gets in our mind and says, "Taylre... your just not good enough." or "Taylre.. you will never amount to that." what about "Taylre.. you are soooo unworthy. God can never love you the way He says he does." ?

Well I am here to tell you THAT'S CRAP! lol. God loves you. He will never let you go. In fact He loves you so much that Jesus would rather die than be separated from you. WOW. That is powerful stuff right there.

Back to Satan and his lies. There are so many; he is full of them. But what does the Bible say about his lies? ....

John 10:10
"..and he comes like a thief
in the night only to
steal, kill, and destroy.
But I have come that they
may have life,
and have it
to the full."

Do you know what Satan's #1 lie that he gets God's people too believe??

You guessed it! Satan's #1 , and most convincing lie is telling us Christians that we are sinners. You may read this and say WHAT?? she is crazy. I sin she sins, we ALL sin. And you are exactly right. But, what I am saying is when you accept Jesus as your personal LORD and Savior, you are no longer considered a sinner in His eyes. You are considered a saint, who sometimes makes mistakes. Check it out....

1 Corinthians 1:2
"to the church of God in Corinth,
to those sanctified in Christ Jesus
and called to be holy,
together with all those everywhere
who call on the name of our LORD
Jesus Christ their Lord and ours..."
This verse makes me think a lot. What it is basically saying is God is calling on you to worship Him and have a relationship with Him. If you answer that call, then you are "called holy" and have a great inheritance in Heaven. You are God's. You belong to Him and completely to Him. He loves you with ALL of His heart and wants to have a relationship with you.
I want to leave you with the lyrics to one of my FAVORITE songs. "Cannons"
"You are holy,
great and mighty.
The moon and the stars
declare who You are.
I'm so unworthy, but still
You love me.
Forever my heart will
sing of how great
You are."
Remember. You don't have to live a life of sin and be considered a sinner. When you are a Christian, you are no longer a sinner in His eyes.
Remember this...
When you are saved by the Holy Spirit.. you, my friend, have gone from SINNER TO SAINT! (:
Thanks for reading! :D

Have a great day and God Bless! :)


Thursday, March 3, 2011

God's Promise! (:

Many of us try as hard as we can to witness, and witness well at that. I, myself, sometimes get discouraged because of fear I won't have the answers to people's questions. One time (when I was probably 10 years old lol) I was speaking with a nonbeliever and they asked me a question of which I was unsure of the answer.

They said, "Taylre, if your such a "big Christian" and all, then tell me something."

I braced myself and nodded confidently. They spoke again, "Well, since you say "God tells you things, when is the end of time? huh?"

I just looked at my friend, with tears welling in my eyes, and told them I didn't have the answer.

I will just be honest with you ,friends. I felt like a COMPLETE FAILURE. I went home from school that day and prayed as hard as I could that God would somehow miraculously give me the answer (I was probably expecting an exact date lol). I had felt like God had sorta let me down. I mean here I was trying so hard to do the right thing and then I am challenged in a way that I can't win.

I sat down on the couch and began to read my Bible. Once again, at random, I opened up to an unexpected passage. And this is what I read.....

ACTS 1:7-8
7 He said to them: "It is not for you to
know the times or dates the Father has set
by His own authority.
8 But you will receive power when
the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witness in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria and
to the ends of the earth."
This is a perfect example of God's promise. Sometimes we get so caught up in our world that we forget there is a bigger picture that we NEED to be a part of. God will return, He promised. God does not break His promises. :)
Like I said, God will come back, but no one (that's right not one! lol) knows when, except for Him. God already has that millennium, century, decade, year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second planned for his return.
While there is a lot we don't know about when he is coming, we do know that He is coming. I'm not saying it won't be in 2012, and I'm not saying it will be. It might be tomorrow, or today, or whenever.
What I am saying is our Father is the ONLY one that knows. The real question isn't when is He coming.. but will you be ready?
Think about it!
and Just remember...
God's Promise! (:
Thanks for reading!

God Bless! (:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Top Twenty Gospel Songs of the Week!! (:

HERE THEY ARE!! haha check'em out(:

1. Forever Reign ~ Shane Barnard and Shane Everett

2. Search My Heart ~ Hillsong United

3. I Am New ~ Jason Gray

4. Beautiful King ~ Danyew

5. The Stand ~ Hillsong United

6. Love Me ~ JJ Heller

7. Beauty WIll Rise ~ Steven Curtis Chapman

8. Wait ~ Caleb

9. Day After Day ~ Kristian Stanfill

10. Everything Glorious ~ David Crowder Band

11. Closer ~ Shawn McDonald

12. I Still Believe ~ Jeremy Camp

13. Walk By Faith ~ Jeremy Camp

14. Cannons ~ Phil Wickham

15. You Are More ~ Tenth Avenue North

16. Learning How to Love ~ Caleb

17. Awakening ~ Chris Tomlin

18. You Reign ~ MercyMe

19. Children Of God ~ Third Day

20. Who Am I ~ Casting Crowns

Enjoy! (:

Thanks for checkin out ~Taylre's World~

God Bless you! Have a great week!


God is Hope (:

Hey, hey, hey there! haha I know it has been like a week since I have blogged and I apologize! I have had a bunch going on this week, lots of test and church stuff. But that is okay, because it has given me a lot of time to think about what God was calling me to tell you in this blog. So... here goes....

Well this weekend was fantastic. I had youth conference this weekend with my church. We had a guest speaker, Christian Chapman. He talked a great deal about his testimony and how all his life he wanted a stronger hope. So that is what I really want you guys to think about throughout this blog. God is Hope.

I can't tell you how many times throughout my life (and I am just a teenager) I have felt hopeless. Maybe a friend wasn't talking to me, or maybe I had made my parents mad. Whatever the cause, we all have times where we go through the unexpected. It is hard, and it stinks. And the craziest thing we, as humans, do when we go through rough times is what? That's right! We tend to push away God. We don't run to Him because we are afraid. Why we get scared? I have no clue, but we do. Maybe it is because we are raised to take care of ourselves and we don't want to ask for help. We think if we are gonna struggle, we are gonna struggle on our own.

The truth is, friends, we CAN'T NOT have God in our lives. Maybe that is bad grammar, but it is the truth. When you push away God bad things tend to happen. Our struggles get worse. Our lives begin to become more and more complicated. And the most tragic thing we do is we begin to turn to other things. We sometimes believe that those drugs will hide the pain, or that alcohol will keep us from remembering what is really going on in our life. But the bitter truth is this: these material things will only last but a minute, and God's love last forever.

One day, I was in my room. I don't remember why I was upset, but I do remember I began to push God away. I got so mad that I reached for my ipod and turned the volume as loud as I could. I hit shuffle and guess what the first song that played was. The chorus goes something like this...

"Oh I'm running to Your arms,
I'm running to Your arms.
The riches of Your love
will always be enough.
Nothing compares to Your embrace.
Light of the World,
Forever Reign."
I am a strong believer that NOTHING happens by accident. I believe that you, whoever you may be, are reading this for a reason. God played this song for me, because he wanted me to talk to Him. He wanted me to say, "God, here I am. I'm running to You. I am gonna trust You. I realize You know best. You are my hope. I'm gonna jump, knowing You will catch me."
Not too long after I heard this song, I picked up my Bible and I asked God to speak to me. I opened, at random, to Isaiah. This is what I read...
Isaiah 43:2-3
"When You walk through deep waters,
I will be with You.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
For I am the Lord, Your God."
How amazing is that? God was speaking to me. Just like that. He said, "Taylre... I'm here for ya, anytime." He can be there for you too, but you have got to take Him with you through your difficulties. Christian Chapman made a quote this weekend that was too good not to repeat. He said, "When you go fishing without God, you might catch a whole lot. But, friends, I can assure you that it will be a whole lot of nothing. Take God fishing with you and you'd be amazed what you might catch."
This week, when you are struggling, please know that God is there for you. He loves you more than you could begin to fathom.
and remember... God is Hope (:
Thanks for Reading!
God Bless! :D


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Top Twenty Gospel Songs This Week! (:

WELL... haha this past week I got to see Brandon Heath in concert (so there are many of his songs on here!)

1. The One~ Brandon Heath

2. Your Love~ Brandon Heath

3. Steady Now~ Brandon Heath

4. Love Me~ JJ Heller

5. Day After Day~ Kristian Stanfill

6. You Are~ Jason Castro

7. You Are More~ Tenth Avenue North

8. Children of God~ Third Day

9. Who Am I~ Casting Crowns

10. To Know You~ Casting Crowns

11. Starry Night~ Chris August

12. Look What You've Done~ Tree 63

13. Wait~ Caleb

14. Trouble~ Caleb

15. Beauty Will Rise~ Steven Curtis Chapman

16. Come Home~ Luminate

17. Made To Love~ TobyMac

18. City On Our Knees~ TobyMac

19. Stolen~ Brandon Heath

20. Follow You~ Leeland feat. Brandon Heath

These are all WONDERFUL songs that have really spoken to me this week! (:


Thanks for reading!

God Bless!

Taylre! (:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

God Is With Us! :)

Wednesday, I got to school really early. I became pretty bored so I decided to pull out my Bible and see what God needed me to hear that morning. I think we have all heard the old trick of open your Bible and God will show things maybe you've never seen before. Well here I was trying to open my heart to Jesus. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much. I had just been having a bad week, and I had experienced some of my friends "turning against me". I had really been feeling quite alone, so I called on God with an open mind and an open heart. I randomly opened up the Bible and of course it landed on Psalm. I looked down and Psalm 25 was in front of me, but it was several of the verses at the end that were brought to my attention.

Psalm 25:17-22

17. The troubles of my heart have multiplied;

free me from my anguish.

18. Look upon my affliction and my distress

and take away all my sins.

19. See how my enemies have increased

and how fiercely they hate me!

20. Guard my life and rescue me;

let me not be put to shame,

for I take refuge in you.

21. May integrity and uprightness

protect me,

because my hope is in you.

22. Redeem Israel, O God,

from all their troubles!

After reading this excerpt, I realized that lately I was going through some of the same things that David was when he wrote this Psalm. Well, I wasn't exactly sad and upset for the hope of Israel, but I had felt lately like everyone had been trying to be my enemy. But God delicately laid these verses in front of me for a reason. He wanted me to understand to come to ALWAYS come to Him. These verses remind me that there are always going to be people that don't like me or even Christians in general. But it is not about how many people like/dislike you; its about how you respond. Do you respond with compassion and love? Do we tell God we need Him? Do we go to God because we BELIEVE He is our source of strength? Sometimes we will have problems. Sometimes we will have friendships that end. And Sometimes, we will have enemies multiply and turn against us---Just like David in this Psalm!

But... Its SO important to understand and to know that God Is With Us! (:

Thanks for reading!(:

God Bless! :)


Friday, January 14, 2011

Fighting That Fear... (:

If I were to ask you "what do you fear?" what would you say?

Would you say sky diving or flying in an airplane. What about scuba diving with sharks? (scary stuff right there!) How about talking to that one person you know is not a Christian. Or my personal favorite, going out of your comfort zone on a mission trip.

I recently sat down with a couple people and we were discussing topics in the mission field. I looked at one of my friends and ask them, "If you could go anywhere in the world to go on a mission trip, where would it be?" This person looked at me and replied, "I don't know. I never really thought about it before. I mean that is kind of scary to think about. Maybe that is why it is scary, because I am afraid of being uncomfortable. Maybe that is how we all feel. Maybe our society has gotten too scared to leave their comfort zone and share God's love with the world."

I was confused at first. I had just asked them to tell me what country they would like to visit and I ended up with a problem that I now felt needed to be solved. Let me be the first to say, I was EXTREMELY overwhelmed. At the time I didn't realize it, but now I do.

It is often said, "Don't let your fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." It is the same concept with spreading the Word. Don't let your fear that you may not be successful every time keep you from telling others of God's love for them.

Overall I can promise you this. Jesus loves you. He will not let you down. And importantly, If God gives you a mission and you do what He says, He will bless you. No matter what, He WILL bless you. That I can be certain. One more thing... God will always assist us in fighting that fear.. (:

2 Corinthians 12:9

Thanks for reading! (:
God Bless! :)


Thursday, January 13, 2011

God + You = Happiness! (:

Hello (:

I am doing a Bible study that I would strongly recommend! haha

Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer!
This devotional book is amazing! It has everything you need to know about living a happy and healthy Christian life! (:

So if there is anything I have learned from my 8 years of being a Christian, it is that God is happiness. Our material wants only provide us happiness for a short period of time. As soon as they go away... then what?

God is ALWAYS gonna be there! I promise. He is steady and unchanging! He will NEVER LEAVE YA HANGIN! (: PROMISE! (:
God will always be our Rescue.

Just like in one of my favorite songs, Rescue, by Chris and Conrad.
"If there was no rescue, I'da never made it home."

God is our rescue and He will help you.. if you let Him.

So be happy, positive, and if ya need anything... let me know! (: lol

and remember...



God Bless!

Taylre! (:

Who Are You? :)

Hey everyone! (:

I am assuming most of you reading this know me, but do you know the real me? Whether you do or you don't, I am going to tell you a little bit about myself.

I was fortunate enough to be born into a family where going to church was and is a weekly occurance. I have been going to church since I was born. It is something that is extremely important to me, and without church, I am not sure who I would be. However, who I am now is not who I've always been.

Pretty much since the day I started talking, I have been an extreme worry wart. It really is pretty stupid actually. But my worries were not normal. When I reached the age of eight, my worries went from getting my Kindergarten assignments done to, my mom is one minute late to pick me up... OH NO! i bet she had a car wreck. If you're reading this you're probably thinking I am exaggerating... I'm not. lol thats how terrible I was.

This same year, I remember taking a bubble bath ( HAHA yeah I used to love those too!). Once again I got worried about something stupid and unrealistic. I don't even remember what it was. It was probably what if this bath tub drain sucks me up and I die kinda thing. ANYWAY! lol I called for my mom and she came running. And I asked that million dollar question. "Mom, what would happen to me if I died right here, right now?" Mom looked at me and sighed. "Taylre, you are not going to die. Stop worrying."
Of course those of you who know me KNOW I am not one that takes that as an answer (LOL). So I looked at her and said, "Mom, really. I need to know."
She told me to get out, dry off, and come talk to her and my dad. I got out and did what she said.

As I ran into the living room and hopped on my dad's lap, my mother clued him in to what was going on. My dad looked at me in surprise and said, "Taylre, what do you feel?"
I said, "Daddy, I feel scared."
Dad looked at me and smiled as he replied, "Honey, don't be scared. I mean't what do you feel, deep down, in your heart. Do you feel like God is tugging at your heart?"

I was extremely puzzled. I had no idea why my Creater would be so called "tugging" at my heart. I looked my dad straight in the eyes and said, "I don't know. I just want this feeling of fear to go away and never come back. I don't like it."
Dad looked in my eight year old eyes and said, "I can't help you."
I felt so abandon and almost started to cry when I looked back and said, " Why? Why can't you help me? Your my dad, thats what you're here for!"
My dad said, "I am here to lead you to the one that can help you. I can't help you, but God can. If you are ready to begin a relationship with Him, we can pray together. Would you like that?"
I nodded. My father and I sat there together on our knees in the living room of our home and prayed a prayer I will never forget.

Since that night, I have never been the same. Yeah I worry, we all do. But I know I have no reason to worry, because my Lord and Savior is there for me... no matter what. He loves me, and He loves you too! (:

As you read this, you found a little bit of who I am... reflect... who are you? (:

God Bless! (:


Taylre's Top Twenty Gospel Songs for the Week! (:

Hey guys! I thought I would start posting my favorite/most listened to Christian songs every week. Most of these are available on itunes. If you have any questions about the list, just ask! (:

1. Sweetly Broken ~ Jeremy Riddle

2. SMS (Shine) ~ David Crowder Band

3. I Will Rise ~ Chris Tomlin

4. Beautiful King ~ Danyew

5. Birmingham (We Are Safe) ~ David Crowder Band

6. Lead Me to the Cross ~ Chris and Conrad

7. City On Our Knees ~ tobyMac

8. Come Home ~ Luminate

9. Crazy Love ~ Hawk Nelson

10. Beauty Will Rise ~ Steven Curtis Chapman

11. Declaration of Dependence ~ Steven Curtis Chapman

12. For Love of You ~ Audrey Assad

13. Light Up the Sky ~ The Afters

14. From Underneath ~ Hawk Nelson

15. Your Love ~ Brandon Heath

16. Hosanna ~ Hillsong United

17. How He Loves ~ David Crowder Band

18. Jesus Paid It All ~ Kristian Stanfill

19. Look What You've Done ~ Tree63

20. Love ~ Chris Tomlin ( with Watoto Children's choir)

Thanks so much for reading!

God Bless You! (:

Taylre! (:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Africa, HERE I COME! :)

Hey everyone!
I know I haven't written in quite awhile... and that is going to change! I promise! :)
So here's the deal!
I just got back from Denver, Colorado.. and let me be the first to say it was an AMAZING trip! I loved every minute of it! Over the course of my journey, i spent so much time looking at the landscape out west. It is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! we took a two hour road trip from Denver to Wyoming... and I was listening to my ipod along the way. We had been skiing the day before.. so as you could imagine I was tired haha... so in my desperation, i fell asleep (still listening to my ipod). I had this amazing dream.. I don't exactly remember seeing anything.. however,I did hear something quite significant. As I slept I heard a conversation. When I woke up the only words I could remember were "go" and "Africa." I was jolted awake as we hit a pot hole on the road. I found I was listening to "Love" by Chris Tomlin. Those of you who have heard this song know that there is an African Children's Choir that sings along in the background. This kinda surprised me a little, because I have always wanted to adopt at least one child from Ethiopia when I get older. However, I haven't thought about this in a while. I had a similar dream last night. As soon as I woke, I picked up the phone and called one of my best friends and told her everything.
As of right now, I feel like God is trying to tell me that I need to go to Africa on a mission trip. I don't know when and I don't know where, but I feel that God is going to give me an opportunity and it will be my responsibility to take it and go to Africa. I'm so excited I really can not tell you how I feel. all I can say is...